My role

3D Modeling
3D Rendering

Project type




What is U-Mix 44?

U-Mix 44 is an external USB sound card that supports 4 inputs and 4 outputs as well as a monitoring headphones jack and one input jack for the microphone.

more about this project below

Team setup

I was part of a team formed by one product manager, one software developer and a UX/Industrial Designer designer (myself). During development my responsibility was to provide 3D product visualization and high-resolution 3D imagery and support the silkscreen process.

Silkscreen Design
3D Modeling
3D Product Visualisation
Rendering and post processing

The Challenge

The entire 3D modelling and rendering was done without having the actual product in my hands. The images were generated from product sketches and photos.

Early product visualisation

The 3D visualisation that I provided gave the team the ability to preview and even promote the product before receiving the first samples. This saved the team a lot of time and also allowed us to make sure the product looks the way want.